New Beginnings Church Bay Area is a place where we seek to love God, grow in faith, and serve others
Our Ministry Priorities
Ministry Priorities
For us these priorities are more than just words, they shape our spiritual lives both individually and as a family in Christ. We believe these priorities describe the simple life Jesus lived and taught for His disciples.
The ministries of New Beginnings Church are under the direction of a team of talented volunteers, part-time staff, and full-time staff. Under the oversight of our Elders, we are using our specific talents and gifts to fulfill our ministry priorities of loving God, growing in faith, and serving others.
William Gonzales
Sean Monticello
Darold Snyder
Derek Thurman
Sidney Vaughn (Elder Emeritus)
Ministry Team
Mark Waltenbaugh
Senior Pastor
George Galindo
Student Minister
Doneva Cooper
Office Administrator
Kathi Waltenbaugh
Children’s Minister
Stephanie Galindo
Worship Minister
Erin Gonzales
Worship Minister
Carri Hill
Worship Minister
Robin Hughes
Worship Minister